Saturday, November 7, 2009



In the beginning who knows what happened. No one gives a damn.

We all care only about the instances we could remember.


As you grow, you look at the things around you and see scattered dots, you try to connect them randomly, all of a sudden a picture unravels in front of you. The picture may not be pleasant to others but it is still a picture you wanted to see. You nurture the picture trying to add few more pieces and covet it, because it is yours.

How many picture frames you have so far? How many patterns? Do we have pictures that aren't pleasant even to us?


Some times we fail to connect the dots, the picture is ever eluding but someone else comes up with the suggestion on connecting the dots, you have a choice to see it the way it was suggested or you choose to inspire from the suggestion.


Then you enter in to a never ending debate in you: which one is right? The suggestion or the outcome of your inspiration?


Sometimes you drop the pictures you have worked hard to connect because it wasn't pleasant anymore, but the suggestion was.


Some pictures are yet to be unraveled, you wonder does these dots mean anything, you run around look at various pictures of others and try to inspire from them, but you chase the dream of coming up with your own dots, and patterns and finally a picture so original to you.

Then the game is on and it is called "life"


Some play the game for the sake of it collecting others pictures and forgetting the dots. Some lost in the search of the dots.

Some succeed in creating the picture.

Then you spend time and effort to showcase your picture until a challenging suggestion emerges, then you evaluate and adapt, change.

The picture becomes perfect ever, and you bask in the thought that you are reaching the point of creating your own and ultimate picture.


It finally hits you that there is no constancy in your pictures and finds that the some part of the pictures are not pleasant, but you do not see the dots or suggestions anymore. You lose the command over the picture the colors are fading.

Then you wonder why the picture is ever changing, it dawns on you that the dots were not on a canvas, but it was on space and time.

In a distance you see a new suggestion, a new picture and all together new set of dots.